84 Days

Today is day 84. I started The Artist’s Way 84 days ago. I’ve wanted to complete the book and lessons for years. I tried several times before and I always failed. Like most things, when you are ready to do the work, it happens and it finally did. It was time. Every morning for theContinue reading “84 Days”

The Artist’s Way – an update

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I started to work through the book The Artist’s Way several weeks ago. I’ve owned the book for years. In fact, I began working my way through the book two years ago, and another two years before that. I suppose I wasn’t ready for the workContinue reading “The Artist’s Way – an update”

Handprint Christmas Tree Skirt

I worked my fingers to the bones. Okay, well, not to the bones, but I put in a lot of hours in on this tree skirt.  I figured out that I spent something like three or four minutes per yo-yo (making it, attaching the button then attaching to the tree skirt). And there were 100Continue reading “Handprint Christmas Tree Skirt”

Auction project

I am making a Christmas tree skirt for Little Mister’s class auction project. I started by cutting out 8″ squares of white on white fabric and putting them in a 9″ square in a manilla folder – secured on the back side with masking tape so the fabric wouldn’t bunch or move. Each folder wasContinue reading “Auction project”