Blocking Your Quilt

Do you block your quilts? If you don’t, you should. Truth be told, I don’t block all my quilts. They don’t all need it. If a quilt is going on a bed, or will be well used and loved, I see no reason to do the work. However, if you plan to put a quilt intoContinue reading “Blocking Your Quilt”

Hack A Quilt Tote

I was at the beach this week for fall break and wrote a post that was supposed to appear instead of this one. Then I got home last night and decided to make a bag for Mary’s Hack That Tote! blog tour instead of my wimpy little post. Seems reasonable, right? 5 days of travelContinue reading “Hack A Quilt Tote”

Auction project

I am making a Christmas tree skirt for Little Mister’s class auction project. I started by cutting out 8″ squares of white on white fabric and putting them in a 9″ square in a manilla folder – secured on the back side with masking tape so the fabric wouldn’t bunch or move. Each folder wasContinue reading “Auction project”