84 Days

Today is day 84. I started The Artist’s Way 84 days ago. I’ve wanted to complete the book and lessons for years. I tried several times before and I always failed. Like most things, when you are ready to do the work, it happens and it finally did. It was time.

Every morning for the past 84 days I’ve woken up a half hour early to write my morning pages. I never disliked this practice, even when I attempted to work through the book before, but since I started writing 84 days ago I’ve really learned to embrace it. To love it. I look forward to the morning quiet with my thoughts. Pencil to paper, letting everything go without judgement or sense. I mean, who can be sensical at 5:45am anyhow?

The process of writing my morning pages has transformed me. I can’t begin to imagine a day without putting my musings in my journal. I’m convinced it helps keep me grounded (well, more than normal) and it’s a safe place to let out all my frustrations, anger, joy, dreams and ideas as well as work through some feelings and concepts. It’s place that holds my innermost thoughts and helps let my creativity find an outlet. The pages help me bring all the creative pieces together in a cohesive manner. It takes time but they come together. The author calls this serendipity. I’m learning to lean into that word and its meaning for my life and my work. I’ve always believed that things happen for a reason and that a higher power has a hand in that…now I’m convinced. The meditative moments put it together on several levels.

I can see and feel a transformation in the last 84 days. I’m eager to sew again. Eager to work. Ideas are flowing and I’m excited to spend time in my studio. I’m even picking up old projects I set aside and I’m finding joy in finishing them. If only I had more hours in a day. 🙂

The lessons are important but the pages? The pages speak to me. I’ve learned a lot about myself and that’s been incredibly valuable. I’ve learned about some limits and boundaries, allowing time for myself and the practice has helped guide me about what deserves my energy and attention and what does not. What is important and what isn’t. Mostly I’ve learned that as long as I create art for myself, then I’ll be happy. The most important customer is me <3 and I’m worth every second of my time.

You are, too.

If you are feeling stuck and want to explore your creativity in a different way, I highly recommend the book.

If you’ve read it before, do you still do the work? Do you go back to it? Has it helped transform your art?

Published by Patty Murphy

Designer. Quilter. Fabric Hoarder.

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